Kiromol Kamanga

Otis Otis

Male 'Otis'
DOB: 12/5/14
Otis is owned by Rob Wilding and Laura Deacon

Otis in the blubells!

Parents G-Parents GG-Parents
Ch Roseridge Royal Romeo JW (Imp Sweden) 

Am Ch Rob Norm Shara's G Dagga 
Talltimbers Ajax 
Rob Norm's Elsa 
Roseridge Rusticana 
Tolasana's Sitanka 
Roseridge Reflexion 
Ch Kiromol Tallulah Belle JW 

Kiromol It's Now or Never 
Ch Ndege Shaka of Eilack 
Kambond Kijakazi by Kiromol 
Kiromol Kinuka 
Musanga Sanga Mukana at Nyassa 
Kiromol Kulula